You don’t feel fit and are often tired? Your metabolism doesn’t really get going and somehow all signs point to the fact that your body is not doing very well? Then a water cure could be just the right thing for you. The principle of the water cure originates from Japan. Here, the trick of drinking warm water in the morning on an empty stomach has long been very widespread.
This is how the Japanese water cure works
Drink 640 ml of water every morning after getting up. That’s about four small glasses. If you don’t manage to start with four glasses, work your way up slowly. The first morning you drink only one glass of water, the second morning maybe two and so on.
After that, don’t eat anything for 45 minutes.
After that you can have breakfast as usual.
After breakfast, lunch and dinner, do not eat or drink anything for two hours.
An additional tip: Lukewarm water is easier to drink than cold water. This makes it easier for you to drink the full amount of fluid.
This is what drinking warm water in the morning does:
You’re helping your body fight disease
High blood pressure, gastritis, diabetes, headaches and aching limbs, constipation, heart palpitations – the Japanese water cure is said to help against or alleviate many diseases and ailments. However, it must be carried out over a certain minimum number of days. Here you find a small overview.
High blood pressure: 30 days
Stomach problems: 10 days
Diabetes: 30 days
Constipation: 10 days
Gastritis: 10 days
Your body finds it easier to detoxify
Overnight your body completes its own little detox program. If you drink a large amount of water first thing in the morning, you can help your body to get rid of the toxins and harmful substances that have accumulated. In this way, their effect will be significantly reduced.
Your skin glows
Your skin will also benefit from the extra amount of water in the morning. After just a short time, you will notice that it looks cleaner, more radiant and firmer.
Your metabolism is stimulated
Especially in the early morning, a little extra nudge for your metabolism can’t hurt. It will get it going faster and burn more calories. This is very helpful if your goal is to burn fat.
You feel fitter
By boosting your metabolism and lymphatic system, you will quickly feel much fitter in the morning. Maybe you can even support the effect of the water cure with a small session of yoga in the morning.
You have less cravings
Water curbs your appetite. That’s why you have less desire for unhealthy snacks and sweets when you do the Japanese water cure. You lose weight virtually by the way.
Your hair looks better
Too little liquid dries out the skin and that includes the scalp. So if you take in larger amounts of water, it’s good for your hair too. More fluids can make for better growth and shinier hair.
Source: DAS passiert, wenn du jeden Morgen ein Glas warmes Wasser trinkst | COSMOPOLITAN This article first appeared on
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